IREX Duo LED 360 Degree Phototherapy Unit Price And Quantity
70000.0 INR/Unit
1 Unit
IREX Duo LED 360 Degree Phototherapy Unit Product Specifications
42 Watt (w)
Medical Purpose
IREX Duo LED 360 Degree Phototherapy Unit
Ms Steel
IREX Duo LED 360 Degree Phototherapy Unit Trade Information
300 Unit Per Month
7 Days
North America Middle East Africa
All India
CDSCO,ISO 13485,IEC Test
Product Description
The iRex Duo, world first rotatable 360 phototherapy is a Single Unit having a Double Effect in treating neonatal jaundice. iRex Duo has dual arm facility. iRex Duo comprises of high efficiency well, calibrated LED phototherapy unit which is designed to operate within the AAP parameters of treating severe cases of jaundice in neonates, optimally and economically.
iRex has dual arm facility: This dual arms allow the physician to modulate the angle of light to provide the maximum desired intensity to cover the maximum body surface area.
iRex Duo is provided with a radiometer measure the actual intensity of light delivered at babys skin level.
iRex Duo can be used as a single surface phototherapy or as a double surface unit. iRex Duo can be used in conjunction with any radiant warmers.